Tuesday, January 3, 2012


My new little plan here is to see if a tourrets syndrome scribed version is as cathartic as verbal expression.
So if I fucking swear here in this pile 'o shite example of a blog will I have a better discipline on my spoken word?

I have been loathe to express the vulgar here when I express with vocal vehemence. It must have something to do with the time between thought and expression.

Not much of a fucking rant to be sure. If it shows a hint of therapeutic application I will explore it further.

And by the way " Have a Fucking Great New Year!"


  1. just the words that flow or are wrangled outta that verbal zone and strung together. perhaps prelude to collected shorts for eventual publication. there is absolutely no urgency but there are rewards.

    i surmise you have attained your reward!

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHEOF_rcND8&ob=av2n
