Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas day

Merry Christmas
yep, it's Christmas day and I am home after traveling to CT to be with my family after the passing of my mom. We seemed to be able to have a lovely Christmas celebration even so. We were all ready and expectant of the spiritual release of mom from the skin and bone cage that was having a less and lesser grip on that splendid spirit I knew as mom.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

open letter

This is to thank the Columbia, SC area drumming community for a warm welcome and to say that last night's last jam of the year was great. I haven't availed myself of the offerings of this area very much but, I have found some warmth and the beginnings of friendship growing with some of you. So, thanks and may your holidays be special. Let's make some more joyful sounds in the coming year.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


It's pretty damn cold here for here. Gees but I dislike the cold. I have become pretty narrow in my temperature comfort range. Is this a regular thing as we get older or have I driven myself in this direction? Southern living, mindset and a strong shift from an out of doors type to a cage dweller. Those seem like pretty strong factors. I hope wherever you are that you find your comfort.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

first weekend in December

Great little drum circle last night. I've been stressed and bummed out, the state of mom is principle to this. So, I disappeared into the balafon for a great jam with some of the core. First really good Friday night in a while.