Saturday, October 31, 2009


Happy Halloween; I guess. The day is here, the clocks haven't fell back yet, there are no denizens carousing in this hood. There is a spate of entertainment in the form of 'Horror movies' on the tube. A few good oldies that I have enjoyed today.
So a new year for some, a portal possible for others, Scorpio and all souls and the seasons roll.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Way too lax on my entries. Been some caught up in transitional strategizing with a resistance to let slip some verbal tripwires. You never know who's reading.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Friday, the herald of the weekend and I am skipping the Friday night (why isn't that Frinight?) poker game, as I have stuff to do particularly Saturday morning. I plan to get some progress on the collages as well, but, the primary concern is getting my djembe to the drum doctor. Time for goat sacrifices to earn a place in the vibratory annals. Obviously my drumming has been slack as I haven't had to rehead in over three years.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Phase the next on the collage. Still experiencing a challenge with the lay down. I will investigate other materials for future pieces. The biggest question is will I get these done in time to send for Christmas.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


So today I started placing the background of the first collage onto the prepared surface. It wrinkled more than I was looking for. I did expect some as I was laying down some fairly large sheets for this kind of application. So I am debating whether to sand the surface after layering more poly or not. While this decision percolates I will continue to search for some imagery; but I think that the lettering option of the original plan has evaporated. More words along with more progress.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Tossing out some few pieces of language to see if they fall into a cadence and conveyance of distilled thought. Mayhap they only indicate the futile existential quandary; or swept up in the torrent of emotion they are presenting the realization of uncertainty that has become a stronger representation of the future. If I could once again reach into the bag of tricks and have at my disposal a more formidable, clearer and responsive mastery over the time-space continuum; or that beautiful trust that the tarot fool embodies, then my mood would lift and I could share what comes next. I invite at the least if not invoke that stellar certainty.

just a note

Just a few words to indicate my realization that I have been lax in my blogging.